Thursday, December 18, 2014

OPI's "Viking in a Vinter Vonderland"

Hey y'all!

My finals are OVER!!! We can now resume our regularly scheduled blogging schedule... umm... yeah.

Anyways.  I recently got a couple new fingernail polishes when Ulta was having a special (buy two OPI polishes and you get a free scarf).  Free scarf?! Heck yes. I went with a friend and I picked up an old favorite (Bubble Bath, which is a pale pinkish nude color) and I got a new purple called "Viking in a Vinter Vonderland".  I can hear Ashley now ("Of course you got a purple").

It was a different purple than what I thought it would be, and looked different in different lights.  Sometimes it looked like it had a more blue undertone, and other times it looked like it had a redish undertone.  I couldn't pin it down.  It's definitely a rich color, but you definitely need to put on even layers, at least two, because it highlights imperfections.

One coat of Viking

Second coat

All in all, I liked the color.  It's not one of my favorites, to be honest, but it's definitely going to be put to good use.

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